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21 years

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945 mio+

in sales

Buying a house in the Valais was a big dream for us, but we were having trouble finding our way around all the offers available. Nathalie Schmidt simplified everything for us. She took the time to ask us the right questions, and in just a few visits found the perfect house for our family. What I particularly appreciated was that she never pressured us into making a hasty decision, but guided us with a great deal of kindness. We finally feel at home. (Translated from french)

Weber family, Sion

As a foreign investor, buying in Verbier seemed complicated, but Grégoire Schmidt made it incredibly simple. He guided me through the tax and legal aspects, while giving me a strategic vision for the future of the investment. His in-depth knowledge of the local market, combined with his international network, was decisive. He's not just a real estate agent: he's a true partner.

Thomas P., London

After several months of fruitless searching, I had almost given up on the idea of finding an apartment in Martigny. Then Elyse Constantin came along, and everything changed. She took the time to understand our needs, but above all, she unearthed a property that wasn't even on the market yet! I can't say enough about her attentiveness, availability and attention to detail. Thanks again for everything. (Translated from french)

Laura and Damien R., Martigny

We wanted an old house with character, but we knew it would come with challenges, especially with the work. Nathalie Schmidt was an invaluable ally. She guided us through the visits with a technical eye we didn't have, drawing our attention to important points. Today, we're delighted with our home and its potential, and we know we made the right choice thanks to her. (Translated from french)

Pauline and Julien G., Conthey

Finding a large chalet in Verbier seemed impossible, especially with my particular requirements. But Grégoire Schmidt rose to the challenge. What stood out for me was that he didn't just show me existing properties: he used his network to find a unique chalet that wasn't even on the market yet. He's someone who understands the expectations of high-end buyers and really knows how to meet them. (Translated from french)

Olivier K., Monaco

Buying a first home on a limited budget is always a challenge, but Elyse Constantin accompanied us with great patience. She turned our constraints into opportunities, showing us properties we wouldn't have considered ourselves. In the end, we found a house that exceeded our expectations, and we can't thank Élise enough for her attentiveness and perseverance. (Translated from french)

Sophie and Marc T., Fully

I was looking to invest in several properties in Sion, and knew I couldn't afford to make a mistake. Grégoire Schmidt, an experienced investor himself, was a trusted advisor throughout the process. Not only does he know the market, he's also excellent at identifying opportunities and avoiding pitfalls. Thanks to him, I was able to conclude a complex transaction with complete peace of mind. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking for top-level support. (Translated from french)

Patrick D., Lausanne

Buying a second home in the central Valais had long been on our minds, but the process seemed complicated. Fortunately, Nathalie Schmidt was able to guide us through the process with a perfect mastery of local specifics. She took the time to answer all our questions, even the most technical ones, and made the process smooth and enjoyable. Today, we're the proud owners of a beautiful, charming home. (Translated from french)

Claire and Michel V., Paris

Finding an apartment for a family of four on a limited budget was no mean feat. But Elyse Constantin rose to the challenge with admirable professionalism and patience. What I particularly appreciated was that she never tried to sell us a property that didn't really suit us. When we finally found the right apartment, we knew it was thanks to her commitment and perseverance. (Translated from french)

Dupuis family, Monthey

Buying an industrial hall in the Valais may seem complex, but Grégoire Schmidt managed to simplify everything.What impressed me was his ability to find a site, negotiate very advantageous conditions and give me technical, legal and logistical advice I wouldn't have thought of.It's rare to find a professional who masters so many aspects of a transaction.I have no hesitation in recommending him to all entrepreneurs looking for top-of-the-range support.

Sébastien L., Bern

Our project in Crans-Montana was ambitious and involved several partners. We knew we needed someone solid, and Grégoire Schmidt was that person. He has a strategic vision that goes beyond the simple real estate transaction: he anticipates, manages the unexpected and always stays on top of the details. His ability to unite the various players made all the difference. Without him, we wouldn't have had the same success. (Translated from french)

Pierre R., Cologny (copie)

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Comment bien choisir son agent immobilier : 3 erreurs à éviter

Vendre un bien immobilier est une étape importante qui demande une stratégie réfléchie et un accompagnement efficace. Ces dernières années, de nouveaux modèles d’agences ont émergé, mettant en avant des coûts réduits, une digitalisation du processus et une visibilité maximale.
Si ces promesses peuvent sembler séduisantes, elles reposent souvent sur des arguments marketing qui méritent d’être analysés en détail. Voici trois erreurs courantes à éviter pour s’assurer que votre vente soit réellement optimisée, tant en termes de prix que de sécurité.

Par Grégoire Schmidt

Accessibilité au logement en valais: un défi grandissant pour les jeunes familles

L’accession à la propriété en Valais devient de plus en plus difficile pour les jeunes ménages. Entre la flambée des prix et la pression des investisseurs, les opportunités se réduisent. Pourtant, des solutions émergent pour tenter d’inverser la tendance.

Par Grégoire Schmidt

Arnaques aux annonces immobilières : comment éviter les pièges ?

Trop beau pour être vrai? Probablement. Alors que le marché immobilier est sous tension, les escrocs redoublent d’ingéniosité pour piéger les candidats à l’achat ou à la location. Annonces fictives, faux agents, paiements anticipés… Les arnaques se multiplient en Suisse. Voici comment les éviter et ne pas tomber dans le piège.

Par Grégoire Schmidt

2025 : Le paradoxe d’un marché sous forte tension

Des taux à nouveau bas stimulent une demande soutenue sur le marché immobilier valaisan. Mais face à une offre insuffisante, la pression monte, obligeant acquéreurs, promoteurs et investisseurs à repenser leurs stratégies.

Par Grégoire Schmidt

Les défis et opportunités de la densification urbaine en Valais

La densification urbaine est devenue un impératif face à la croissance démographique et aux enjeux environnementaux. En Valais, cette tendance présente des défis mais aussi de réelles opportunités pour réinventer l’espace urbain.

Par Grégoire Schmidt

Rénovation énergétique : une nécessité économique et environnementale pour le Valais

Face aux défis écologiques actuels, le parc immobilier valaisan, tant en plaine qu’en montagne, doit impérativement adopter des solutions plus durables. Dans un canton où l’énergie fossile prédomine encore largement, les rénovations énergétiques se présentent comme une réponse essentielle. Cependant, cette évidence environnementale soulève une question cruciale : celle de la rentabilité pour les propriétaires, souvent confrontés à des coûts élevés et à des contraintes législatives qui s’apparentent à un parcours du combattant sur un champ de bataille miné.

Par Grégoire Schmidt

Repenser l’habitat pour relever les défis sociétaux, écologiques et économiques

La Suisse est à un carrefour en matière de logement. Réduire les surfaces et intégrer des normes écologiques ne sont plus des options, mais des impératifs. La hausse des prix immobiliers, combinée à la raréfaction des terrains, met les collectivités face à un défi urgent: proposer des solutions innovantes en phase avec les attentes sociales et environnementales.

Par Grégoire Schmidt

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